The essential function of the 校董会 is policy making and responsibility for sound management. The Board formulates and determines the general, educational and financial policies as deemed necessary for the administration and development of the Corporation in accordance with its shared purposes.
The 校董会 meets four times a year to formulate and determine the general, educational and financial policies for the university.
The 校董会 is currently monitoring and overseeing the following initiatives:
- Mission Priority Examen
- Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence
- Facilities Master Plan
- Strategic Plan 2020
联系 The Board
拿破仑情史罗德里格斯, Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the 校董会, is the university's official liaison to the 校董会. She can be contacted at desiree@orjinmakine.com or (504) 865-3849.